Wednesday, October 3, 2012

How To Save Money While Driving Cross-Country

How To Save Money While Driving Cross-Country

Traveling is a strange phenomenon. It can be a necessity, a form of recreation or a combination of both. Whether you travel for business or pleasure, though, you can likely benefit from some wise advice on the subject. This article shares some great hints for making your travel experiences better all around.

When traveling out of the country, it is advisable to drink only bottled water. This is especially important in countries where the quality of their tap water may be questionable. It's better to possibly pay a bit more and be safe than risk getting sick because of contaminated tap water.

When traveling by air it is important you have a plan. It can be difficult navigating traffic in big cities, where many airports are located. Dealing with rush hour traffic will only make it worse. Pack up all your suitcases the night before you travel. Prepare ahead so that you are not rushed when you need to get to your flight. You do not want to miss your flight.

When traveling in countries with unsafe tap water, remember other ways that you might be exposed. Close your mouth when using the shower and brush your teeth only with treated water. If you make tea or coffee with the water, allow it to boil for several minutes before steeping. Even a small exposure can make you very ill.

To prevent yourself from becoming sick after a long flight, you may want to consider using a saline spray in your nose. This is proven to help fight any bacteria that may be dormant in the air. It's a great way to get one up on the passengers beside you if they are sick.

It is not uncommon to provide the housekeeper and bell hop with a tip. Standard tips are generally $1 for each piece of luggage, and $2-$5 for the housekeeper each day of your stay. That ensures that the people in charge of your service are happy and helpful.

One of the must haves that I would suggest anyone take on a trip is baby wipes. They can be used to a variety of different ways and are perfect for on the go. You can purchase them in little packs so they can easily slip into a backpack.

Look for "nonstop" rather than just "direct" flights. Nonstop flights, as their name implies, make no stops before arriving at the destination, whereas direct flights may stop at other airports on the way to the final destination. Although you are not changing planes, the stops you make on a direct flight can lead to many unexpected delays.

When packing for a long trip, limit yourself to about two colors of clothing. This will help to ensure that everything you bring to wear on your trip will match with everything else. It will also limit the number of shoes and accessories you need to match with your outfits.

Virtually everyone has to take a trip sooner or later. When you learn a little bit ahead of time, you can make your next travel experience more economical, less stressful and generally more enjoyable. The tips presented above can help you achieve those benefits and learn how to be a savvy traveler.

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